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New Year: What will be your Attitude?

We are barely a few hours from the end of 2017. A year, which like others, has brought us joys and sorrows; successes and failures; challenges and innumerable blessings. With the imminent arrival of a new year, regularly, most people, we take time to look forward and we wonder what the future will bring.
Contemplating the future, can be something that fills us with much joy and expectations, but, also, it can be something that causes us anxiety and even fear. For some, the future may seem to be full of opportunities, but for others, the future is presented with challenges and complications. Then, in the face of uncertainty about the future (with its opportunities and challenges), it is very important that as disciples of Jesus Christ, we assume the correct attitude. We may not be able to do much to change the circumstances we must face in life, but, THE ATTITUDE with which we face them - MAKES AN ENORMOUS DIFFERENCE.
Therefore, what is the correct attitude to face the future, from God's perspective? The Bible, in the book of Numbers 13 1-3 and 25-33, helps us answer this important question. As the Bible tells us, the people of Israel, after many years of pilgrimage in the desert, after their liberation from Egypt, finally found themselves near the land where God had promised them they would live and find well-being and security. Before entering the promised land, God commanded Moses to send 12 men to explore the land He was going to give them - a leader representing each of the tribes of the Israelite people. Moses told them what they should investigate and consider during their exploration trip. He told them (vs 17-20): "Explore the country, and see how its inhabitants are, whether they are strong or weak, many or few, find out if the land they live in is good or bad, and if their cities are open. or walled in. Examine the land, and see if it is fertile or sterile, and if it has trees or not, go ahead, bring some fruits of the country.”

The Bible tells us that the 12 scouts did as Moses had commanded them, and after 40 days, they returned to present their report. As Moses had asked them, they brought with them, samples of the fruits that the earth produced. It was amazing. In that place, as God had promised, milk and honey abounded. Everything seemed to be "ironed out" - as they would say in my country. God had liberated the people from the Egyptian yoke, had directed and protected them during their journey through the desert; and he was ready to give them the land he had promised them to bless them.
But there was a problem among the explorers - not everyone had the same attitude. On the one hand, Joshua and Caleb, celebrated what they had seen, just as God had promised them. And on the other side, there was the rest of the group, who did not see things as "positive and beautiful" as the first two. Sadly, the Bible tells us that the other 10 explorers, even though they recognized that fruits and honey abounded on earth, unfortunately put their attention on the obstacles they would have to overcome, and were filled with fear - thus assuming a negative and defeatist attitude.

But, Joshua and Caleb, even when they were aware of the obstacles, put their eyes on the signs that made it clear that God was on their side and that it would help them to conquer the land He had promised them - assuming a positive attitude and of victory. Scouts with a negative attitude said: "We will not be able to fight against these people. They are stronger than us! " But Caleb, full of faith in God declared: "Let us go up to conquer that land. I'm sure we can do it."
The explorers with a negative attitude, mowed by their disbelief to the promises of God, raised a word of murmuring and lies, and told the people: "The land we have explored swallows its inhabitants, and the men we saw there are enormous. We even saw anaquitas! Compared to them, we looked like locusts, and thus they saw us.” But Caleb and Joshua, knowing in whom they had believed, even in the face of discouragement, that the report of the ten scouts with a negative attitude produced in all the people, said (Ex. 14: 7-9): "The land that we traveled and explored is incredibly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will make us enter it. It's going to give us a land where milk and honey abound! So, do not rebel against the Lord or be afraid of the people who live in that land. They are already a piece of cake! They have no one to protect them, because the Lord is on our side. So, do not be afraid of them! "
Life is life, and we have to live it (with its challenges and opportunities). The question is: what attitude are we living with? With a negative and pessimistic attitude that makes us feel impotent before the problems that are presented to us, or with a positive attitude and victory based on our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, which like Caleb and Joshua, leads us to proclaim: BECAUSE GOD IS ON OUR SIDE - WE DO NOT HAVE TO BE AFRAID.
When looking back at the year that ends, what has been your attitude? With a negative and pessimistic that only sees and glorifies the problems, and the obstacles in the way / Or with a positive attitude of victory, that even in the midst of the problems and obstacles that are presented to you, because you trust in love, in the protection and promises of the Lord, you can see the opportunities and possibilities, and impel you to claim God's purpose for your life?

I pray to God, that in the new year, our attitude towards life will be positive and of victory. That in the middle of the problems, we can proclaim: "because I know that God is on my side - I am not afraid". That before temptations and the lure of sin in our daily life, instead of feeling helpless, we put on the armor of Christ, and declare victory. For as the Bible teaches us, there is no temptation, that with the help of God, we cannot overcome (1 Corinthians 10:13). And that in the face of opportunities and new possibilities, instead of declaring ourselves incapable, we can walk towards the blessing of God, no matter the obstacles before us, believing and proclaiming that: "We can do everything in Christ who is our strength" (Philippians 4:13).
What is your attitude? If you recognize that you have been living as the 10 explorers, with a negative attitude, acknowledge your need for a change, an adjustment, a new beginning in Christ. You alone cannot change the way you face life - only when we allow the Holy Spirit to put on the lenses of Christ, can we live this way, as did Caleb and Joshua.
The new year will bring countless opportunities and possibilities of blessing in Christ. We will also have to face great challenges and obstacles. Even when we cannot do anything to change the circumstances that we will have to face in life, always remember, that the attitude with which we face them - WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.


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