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Friendliness is not the Same as Hospitality

I am an introvert. It can sometimes be difficult for me to find my way around large groups or crowds, especially when I don’t know people, or when the group of people I am trying to connect with has a “close/tied” relationship with one another. While over the years I have acquired different relational tools to help me navigate this aspect of who I am, it can sometimes still be a challenge. When I started serving as a District Superintendent, I set a goal of visiting all the congregations in my district in 2 years. During these visits, I wanted to worship with the congregations and get to know their leaders, but I also wanted to learn about their hospitality practices. Sadly, on several occasions, my experience as a visitor (sometimes as a “special guest”) was not very good. On one visit, I managed to enter and exit the worship service without anyone noticing/acknowledging my presence. In all these instances, I observed congregants being nice to one another and relating well to each oth...
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Daring Greatly: It's Time for Rebuilding!

R ead: Nehemiah 1:1-11  |  In my time as a pastor, a leader, and now as a District Superintendent in the United Methodist Church, I have come to group people and leaders into two basic categories: The Talkers and The Doers . The Talkers are those who have an opinion about everything – yet we seldom see them in action. They criticize everything and everyone. They always have a better idea or way of getting things done. In their “talking” they feel they are solving all the problems in the world. These days, social media has given the talkers a platform to go viral (I sometimes don’t want to check my Facebook, simply to avoid them.) Talkers say things like: -           What our church [denomination] needs is … -           I can’t believe our government officials. If I were there, I would… -           Our schools are really in bad shap...

Do You Love Me?

R ead John 21:15-18 | My wife and I, have four children – three boys and a girl. Valeria came last. So not only is she the princess, but she is also the baby of the house. When Valeria was born, having been a parent to three boys, I though, I had things figured out – that I was an expert, especially at children bait and switch techniques. “Daddy, do you love me? Yes, Fabian I love you – can you buy me a Nintendo? Good try – go play outside.”  “Daddy, do you love me? Yes, Joel – you daddy loves you a lot – can I sleep over my friend’s house? On a school night? Get out of here boy! “Daddy, do you love me?, Of course I love you Marcos – can I get new ear buds for my phone, really? Be thankful you have a phone!” There was no bait, sweet enough to catch me. Then, came Valeria – princess Valeria. I remember people used to tell me. “You are in trouble Hector, girls have a way with daddy.” Not me – I was tough. Three boys. Soccer players. Boys Scouts – I felt unbreakable....

El Vínculo Perfecto - El Amor

Lee, Colosenses3:1-4; 12-17 | Amar a nuestro prójimo es crucial en nuestra experiencia de fe.   Es una señal indiscutible de que estamos creciendo en nuestro amor hacia Jesucristo. En ningún lugar en la Biblia se describe a un buen discípulo de Jesucristo como alguien que puede orar elocuentemente, o que se sabe la Biblia de memoria. No hay nada malo con nada de esto, es muy bueno, pero no es lo que define nuestro discipulado. Los/as verdaderos/as discípulos de Jesucristo se conocen por su manera de vivir . Específicamente, por la forma en que AMAMOS A DIOS y como nuestro amor por Dios nos lleva a AMAR A NUESTRO PROJIMO. --- Hoy, quisiera que reflexionemos sobre una expresión de amor al prójimo muy especial e importante: el amor entre los/as hermanos/as de la familia de la fe; o como decimos los metodistas “el Compañerismo Cristiano”. Las relaciones entre los cristianos es uno de los temas más prominentes en la segunda parte del Nuevo Testamento, especialmente en la...

El Verdadero Ayuno

Lea, Isaias 58:1-12 | Durante los pasados 40 días, nuestra iglesia ha estado participando de un ayuno congregacional – un tiempo intencional donde como individuos y como comunidad de fe hemos estado profundizando en nuestra relación con Dios y procurando visión hacia el futuro. Como nos explicó la pastora al comienzo de esta jornada, cuando practicamos las disciplinas espirituales del ayuno y la oración, nuestra fe se fortalece, pues dejamos a un lado las distracciones que tantas veces se interponen en nuestra relación con Dios y fijamos nuestra atención en buscar Su voluntad de Dios para nuestras vidas, nuestras familias y nuestra comunidad.   Saben, al terminar esta jornada de 40 días, es importante que recordemos que espera Dios de nosotros luego de participar de esta experiencia. Orar y ayunar, son prácticas muy importantes en nuestro caminar de fe, PERO no son un fin en si mismas. De hecho, NINGUNA de las tradiciones y rituales que practicamos con seguidores de Jesús,...