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Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2021


Daring Greatly: It's Time for Rebuilding!

R ead: Nehemiah 1:1-11  |  In my time as a pastor, a leader, and now as a District Superintendent in the United Methodist Church, I have come to group people and leaders into two basic categories: The Talkers and The Doers . The Talkers are those who have an opinion about everything – yet we seldom see them in action. They criticize everything and everyone. They always have a better idea or way of getting things done. In their “talking” they feel they are solving all the problems in the world. These days, social media has given the talkers a platform to go viral (I sometimes don’t want to check my Facebook, simply to avoid them.) Talkers say things like: -           What our church [denomination] needs is … -           I can’t believe our government officials. If I were there, I would… -           Our schools are really in bad shap...